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This is where you can find extensive expertise relating to implemented e-business projects.
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eXperience is an initiative for teaching methods and empirical knowledge in information systems. The main part are systematically prepared case studies, which are used in education as well as in empirical research.
In the years 2000 - 2009 eXperience was the major area of action of the e-business team at the institute of information systems FHNW. Relevant support was provided by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO, the Ecademy, the Hasler Foundation as well as numerous experts and lecturers from Swiss and foreign universities. In the ten-year period, around 150 case studies were prepared according to the eXperience methodology, published and presented in many different ways. In addition, approximately 250 additional case studies with non-uniform scheme are available in the database.
Because of changed conditions, the eXperience activities were reduced continuously since 2010 and are limited since 2013 to maintain and operate the online case study database and the sporadic addition of new or update case studies.